Should You Get Ceramic Braces? Pros and Cons, Cost, and Length of Treatment
Ceramic braces are a popular alternative to metal braces. Although the function and length of treatment between the two types of braces are very similar, ceramic braces can be more costly because of their material and appearance. In this article, we will help you decide if getting ceramic braces is the best option for you. […]
What to Do if a Dental Implant Falls Out
If you’ve ever had a tooth fall out, you know how frustrating it can be. Losing a tooth can cause problems with eating and speaking, and it can also affect your self-esteem. When you get dental implants, you’re usually told that they’re a permanent solution to tooth loss. But in some cases, the implants can […]
Eating with Braces: What to Eat and What to Avoid
Clear braces are a great solution to your teeth gap and underbite without the need for visible metal wires. But wearing orthodontics comes with many changes—not only in how you look but even in the way you consume your food. Wearing it makes your teeth sensitive, and it requires a conscious effort to choose the […]
What Is Deep Cleaning Teeth and When You Need It
Gum disease can be avoided and combated with good dental hygiene. Therefore, it’s crucial to brush and floss frequently, as well as visit the dentist for regular cleanings twice a year. But occasionally, a dentist will advise having your teeth thoroughly cleaned. Gums that are bleeding, receding, or have become loose are indications that you […]
Deep Cleaning Teeth: What to Eat and Avoid
Dental deep cleaning is a necessary procedure that prevents gum diseases from damaging your teeth, gums, and your general oral health. Now, here’s the question that may pop into your mind after the procedure—what can I eat after a deep cleaning of my teeth? This article gives you all the details about the method, food […]
What Is Alveoloplasty and Who Needs It?
When teeth are missing, a dental operation called alveoloplasty actually reshapes the jawbone. The alveoloplasty procedure, which takes its name from the alveolar bone, reshapes the bone to create a level surface in the mouth. This article tackles some specifics about the procedure and what to anticipate from the healing process. What Is Alveoloplasty? A […]
How to remove plaque from teeth?
Everyone dreams of having a set of pearly teeth. However, a plaque can get in the way of flashing your most perfect smile. These bacteria accumulate on the surface of your teeth, leaving an unsightly look. More than making your teeth unhygienic, it can cause damage in the long run if you do not take […]
7 Dangers of Pulling Your Own Tooth
When it comes to dental health, most people know that they should visit their dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. However, some people may try to take care of their own teeth by pulling a tooth that is causing them pain. While this may seem like a good idea, in theory, there are several dangers […]
What Is an Impacted Wisdom Tooth? Treatment, Complications
An impacted wisdom tooth is a common dental problem that can require treatment. If left untreated, an impacted wisdom tooth can cause various complications, such as infection and pain. In this article, we will look at some of the treatment options available for impacted wisdom teeth. What Is an Impacted Wisdom Tooth? An impacted wisdom […]
How to Fix Chipped Tooth
Chipping a tooth can be a very frightening experience. Your first instinct may be to panic, but it is important to stay calm and know that there are ways to fix a chipped tooth. This article will walk you through the different methods that can be used to fix a chipped tooth, as well as […]